Prioritize spending to our teachers and their classrooms.
Monitor the use of technology in the classroom to ensure it is aiding (and not detracting from) student engagement and a constructive learning environment.
Facilitate parents’ ability to stay abreast of what their children are learning and support their educational progress.
Proactively partner with special education parents so that their children flourish.
Expand early childhood education and tutoring for struggling students.
Uphold robust Gifted and Talented and Academy programs.
Upgrade civics instruction and equip students with skills in civil discourse.
Champion rigorous academic standards in a supportive environment.
Ensure students have access to meaningful college and career guidance – including wide-ranging financial options, providing options to students helping them avoid taking on massive debt.
Upgrade and promote workforce training programs with students achieving industry-recognized certifications.
Rebuild public trust in the decision-making process.
Students’ proximity to their assigned school should remain a top priority.
Ensure we protect students and teachers from violence, bullying and harassment.
Empower teachers and administrators to address problematic behaviors that hinder learning.
Bolster school building safety and continue vigilance to ensure students are safe from intruders.
Empower teachers and administrators to address problematic behaviors that block learning by using the Student Code of Conduct.
Ensure all voices are considered as the District develop policies to reduce FBISD’s 20% annual teacher turnover rate.
Work with administrators to reassess the metrics by which they are evaluated.
Encourage innovation and foster professional collaboration, enabling teachers to share effective strategies and build rapport across the District.